Explore Nicotex gum range for quitting smoking

Nicotex works on WHO-approved Therapy!

About- Nicotex Gums

Nicotex is a nicotine gum that helps you quit smoking using the principle of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), A 12-week therapy programme that will help you get back to life without dependence on cigarettes. Nicotex gradually reduces your nicotine intake and makes it possible for you to choose life over smoking.

Nicotex contains Nicotine Polacrilex, USP and is available in two strengths: 2mg and 4mg.

It is formulated keeping in mind the special taste requirements of the Indian palate. In order to best camouflage the strong taste of nicotine, Nicotex is available in 5 flavours – Mint Plus, Paan, Cinnamon, Ultra Mint, Fruit Burst.

Nicotex strips

Nicotex tins


Nicotex provides the nicotine that you normally get from cigarettes, but in a lower quantity than cigarettes. It allows your body to gradually adjust to having less nicotine until you no longer need any and, thus, helps you quit smoking.

Myths around Nicotex

There are a few common misconceptions surrounding Nicotex gums, some of which are incorrect and some have their roots in consuming wrong dosage & improper usage. Don’t listen to rumours and try for yourself! Know how Nicotex gums work and the right dosage to follow.

Nicotex helps you control the urge to smoke

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Nicotex Doubles Your Chances of Quitting

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Nicotex supports your willpower

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Nicotex has lesser nicotine than cigarettes

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The right usage improves Nicotex experience

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Important Instructions


Individuals smoking less than 20 cigarettes a day should use the 2mg Nicotex gum. Only those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day should use the 4mg gum, which needs to be prescribed by a physician. Consume a gum whenever you get an urge to smoke "using the recommanded chewing technique not to exceed 24 gums a day". Over a 12 week period, Nicotex allows your body to gradually adjust to have less Nicotine.
Below dosage schedule is recommended:

Nicotex Nicotine Gum
Week 1 - 6

Take 1 Gum
every 1-2 hours

Week 7 - 9

Take 1 Gum
every 2-4 hours

Week 10 - 12

Take 1 Gum
every 4-8 hours

What is Nicotex?

Nicotex is a gum containing nicotine that helps people who smoke or chew tobacco and gutka quit the habit. It works on the proven principle of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Nicotex does not contain tar and other harmful chemicals which are present in cigarettes, tobacco and gutka.

What is Nicotine?

Nicotine is a chemical present in tobacco leaves. When you smoke or chew tobacco, nicotine enters the blood and goes to the brain. It activates the part of your brain that produces feelings of pleasure and happiness. After some time, as the nicotine levels drop, the feel-good effect reduces, and your body starts craving the next cigarette or tobacco. Thus, you get addicted to smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco.

How does Nicotex work?

Nicotex provides nicotine similar to cigarettes or chewing tobacco. Nicotine levels are lower than in cigarettes. By gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in your body, Nicotex helps you quit smoking and chewing tobacco.

What is the indication for the use of Nicotex?

To reduce withdrawal symptoms including nicotine craving associated with quitting smoking/chewing tobacco and gutka-containing tobacco.

Which is the right strength for you?

Nicotex is available in two strengths, 2 mg and 4 mg. 2 mg is appropriate for those who smoke 20 cigarettes a day or less. 4 mg is appropriate for those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.

What is the dosage and administration?

4 mg: As advised by the doctor.
2 mg: Consume gum whenever you get an urge to smoke. Over a 12-week period, Nicotex allows your body to gradually adjust to having less nicotine.

How to use Nicotex

To successfully quit, it’simportant to chew NicotexGum properly.

Nicotine gum shouldn’t be chewed like a regular gum. It’s important to follow the 3 steps to improve the experience and the effect!

Consult your Doctor before using Nicotex

  • If you are below 18 years of age.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you are taking any other medicines, especially those containing anti-asthmatics, anti-psychotic drugs or non-nicotine drugs to stop smoking.
  • If you have other medical conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, stroke, stomach ulcer, kidney or liver disease, heart or circulation problems, diabetes, allergic reactions, severe sore throat, inflammation of the mouth, overactive thyroid, or adrenal gland cancer.
  • If you have had previous reactions to nicotine gums or other nicotine-containing products.

Nicotex Overdose If you have used more nicotine gums than recommended or, in case, a child has chewed or swallowed some, then contact a doctor immediately. The general symptoms of nicotine overdose include headache, sickness, diarrhoea and stomach pain.

Note: Do not eat or drink or use removable dentures with the gum in the mouth. Avoid having any drinks for 15 minutes before the gum is used. The side effects which might be seen with Nicotex will be the same as nicotine given by any other route. The side effects are usually dose dependent and may not be experienced by all. Common side effects such as headache, nausea, hiccups, stomach discomfort, sore mouth or throat, jaw muscle ache and sleep disturbance may be seen particularly during the first few weeks.

#J Behav Med. 1982; 5(3):343-51 (for 2mg); Arch Intern Med. 1989; 149:1818-21 (for 4mg) 'http://www.mayo.edu/research/documents/medication-handout-2015-02-pdf/doc-20140182
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1. https://www.who.int/tobacco/communications/ highlights/note_nrt_therapy/en/

2. Agrawal, et al., Use of Nicotine Gums, Tablets and Lozenges: A Review. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2016;2(11):33-36.